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    Resources Translator Would you like to try those on

Would you like to try those on

Translation result
¿Te gustaría probártelos? Would you like to try those on

like verb

1. prefer or wish to do something.

I like to start my day with a quiet cup of coffee and some reading. Me gusta empezar el día con un tazón tranquilo de café y algo de lectura.

2. find enjoyable or agreeable.

She likes watching old movies on weekends because they remind her of her childhood. Ella gusta ver películas antiguas los fines de semana porque le recuerdan su infancia.

3. be fond of.

She likes playing the piano in her free time, and has been doing so since she was a child. Ella gusta tocar el piano en su tiempo libre y lo ha estado haciendo desde que era niña.

4. feel about or towards.

She likes her new job, feeling more fulfilled and challenged every day. Ella gusta su nuevo trabajo, sintiéndose más satisfecha y desafiada a diario.

5. want to have.

She likes to collect rare books and often visits second-hand stores to find new additions to her collection. Ella gusta recopilar libros raros y a menudo visita tiendas de segunda mano para encontrar nuevas adiciones a su colección.


I like.
You like.
He/She/It likes.
We like.
You like.
They like.
Complete conjugation.

try verb

1. make an effort or attempt.

I'm going to try my best to finish this project on time, so please don't schedule anything else for me today. Voy a esforzarme al máximo para terminar este proyecto a tiempo, así que por favor no programes nada más para mí hoy.

2. put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to.

The company will try out this new software to assess its compatibility with our existing systems. La empresa probará este nuevo software para evaluar su compatibilidad con nuestros sistemas existentes.

3. put on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of.

The esteemed judge tried the defendant for their alleged crimes, carefully considering the evidence presented in court. El juez distinguido intentó al acusado por sus presuntos delitos, considerando detenidamente la evidencia presentada en el tribunal.

4. take a sample of.

The scientist tried to extract a small sample from the rock formation to analyze its composition. El científico intentó extraer una pequeña muestra del formación rocosa para analizar su composición.

5. examine or hear (evidence or a case) by judicial process.

The judge decided to try the case without a jury, allowing her to make a swift and impartial decision. El juez decidió intentar el caso sin jurado, lo que le permitió tomar una decisión rápida e imparcial.

6. give pain or trouble to.

The mosquito's incessant buzzing tried me all night, making it impossible for me to fall asleep. El zumbido incesante del mosquito me trató toda la noche, lo que hizo imposible que yo cayera dormido.

7. test the limits of.

The daredevil tried to break the world record by skydiving from a higher altitude than ever attempted before, pushing the boundaries of human endurance. El valiente intentó romper el récord mundial saltando en paracaídas desde una altura más alta que nunca había intentado antes, empujando los límites del agotamiento humano.

8. melt (fat or lard) in order to separate out impurities.

The chef tried the rendered pork fat to clarify its consistency and remove any unwanted particles before using it for frying. El chef probó el grasa de cerdo cocida para aclarar su consistencia y eliminar cualquier partícula indeseable antes de utilizarla para freír.

9. put on a garment in order to see whether it fits and looks nice.

She decided to try on the new dress at home before taking it to the party, just to make sure she looked perfect. Ella decidió probar el vestido nuevo en casa antes de llevarlo al partido, solo para asegurarse de que se veía perfecta.


I try.
You try.
He/She/It tries.
We try.
You try.
They try.
Complete conjugation.